Cupping Therapy

Woman having cupping therapy done on her back

Cupping Therapy

An ancient technique used for many different reasons. The biggest use for cupping is to relieve tight and sore muscles. Think of it like a reverse deep-tissue massage. Instead of pushing down on your muscles, the cups pull them up and release any tightness, stuck fascia, or stagnant blood and toxins underneath.

Cupping is done by creating a vacuum inside the cup to pull up those muscles. Plastic cups use a type of pump that removes the air inside and creates that vacuum. You will feel a strange sensation as the cups do their work, but it typically isn’t painful at all. The only time it may hurt is if the muscle is very tight, but we always make sure to ask if you’re comfortable.

Cupping can also be used to relieve phlegm related coughs. If there is a build up of phlegm or mucus in the lungs, cups can be placed on the back to loosen it up and disperse your cough.

Cups can be left in place or slid across the area. Still cupping is used to target a very specific spot and slide cupping is better for larger areas that need to be loosened up.