Laser Acupuncture

List of treatments done via laser acupuncture

Fast, painless, and effective.

Laser acupuncture is great for stimulating the body to produce endorphins. The endorphins are what make us feel good, happy, and rewarded. These feelings can be used in a variety of ways when trying to help problems of the mind. Laser acupuncture is the most effective at treating all of the concerns listed in the image.

Laser is an option for many people, whether you’re scared of needles, have blood clotting conditions, or any other reason, the treatments are painless and non-invasive. The laser is considered a cold-laser which does not produce heat. The light itself is an infrared frequency which your body absorbs and reacts by stimulating the acu-points and endorphins.

Smoking Cessation

Our smoking cessation treatments have a success rate of 85-90%

When you stop smoking, your body is no longer getting the free endorphins from the nicotine and your body goes into withdrawal. This happens because your body does not want to produce the endorphins itself anymore. The laser naturally stimulates the body to produce endorphins which will avoid the big crash that normally follows quitting. The treatment makes withdrawals much easier to get through and can take cravings away completely. If cravings do appear, it will be much easier to recognize that you no longer need the nicotine and ignore the craving.

Best results are achieved with the following treatment plan:

  • First treatment: you quit smoking that day.

  • Second treatment: typically 4 days after the first treatment to boost you through withdrawals.

  • Third treatment: typically 2 weeks after the first treatment to ensure you do not relapse or go back to smoking.

Some clients may need to wean down the amount they smoke per day, instead of quitting all at once. This is why there are three treatments minimum to ensure the best success.

Quit Smoking Halifax

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Laser Acupuncture Treatments

For any other concern besides smoking cessation, treatments are done once a week for three weeks. After the three week mark, we assess to see how you are doing and decide if you need more treatments or not. Depending on the concern, you may need to come back once in a while to make sure the issue does not resurface.

Book a free consultation to discuss the best action plan for you.